TMD is a condition that causes pain over the orofacial region (face, jaw, and neck). It can also cause a clicking or popping sound when you open your mouth. TMD can make it hard to eat, talk, and smile. It can also cause headaches, stiff neck and shoulders, and trouble with eye movements.
The etiology of TMD is multifactorial, including abnormal dental occlusion, teeth grinding and chewing, clenching the teeth, stress, anxiety, and emotional instability. Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint capsule and muscle spasm contribute to pain, as do an intraarticular disk disorder and abnormalities in its positioning and/or attachments. Read more
Many disorders can present with similar symptoms to those of TMD, and for this reason it is important to distinguish TMD from other conditions which require urgent attention. Amongst these are temporal arteritis, which is an inflammatory condition that affects the blood vessels in the temple area and can lead to temporary blindness, and neoplasms of the temporomandibular bone and salivary glands.
TMD and Jaw Pain: Causes and Relief Strategies
In most patients, conservative treatments are effective in alleviating TMD pain and symptoms. These include medication, occlusal splints, physical therapy, and behavioral approaches. In some cases where these therapies are unsuccessful, surgery can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve severe symptoms of TMD.
Plain radiographs like the orthopantomogram are useful in ruling out specific differential diagnoses of TMD, such as skeletal abnormalities, growth disturbances and neoplasms. MRI is also very helpful in the diagnosis of TMD and provides detailed information about the articular structure. However, MRI is expensive and requires sedation. Injections of corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid can help in some patients.
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