How to Get CBD Oil Prescribed in Australia

CBD Oil Australia

Top CBD Oil Brands in Australia(cannabidiol) is an organic compound found in the cannabis plant. It’s been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. It’s also been used to treat anxiety and insomnia. But more clinical trials are needed to fully understand the benefits of CBD oil.

In Australia, CBD oils can only be prescribed by a doctor, and are not available for purchase over the counter. However, CBD capsules containing no more than 150 milligrams per day are currently being tested for sleep disorders by several manufacturers in stage 3 clinical trials. If successful, these capsules may become available for sale in pharmacies by 2023.

CBD Oil Down Under: Navigating the Landscape of CBD in Australia

There are a number of ways to get a prescription for CBD oil in Australia, including visiting an Authorised Prescribing Doctor (APD), which are doctors who’ve been approved by the TGA to prescribe medicinal cannabis products. These doctors will conduct a free online prescreening survey to determine whether you’re eligible for a CBD prescription. Another option is to visit a medical cannabis clinic, which has been specifically set up to streamline the CBD prescription process. Many of these clinics have AHPRA-registered doctors who can prescribe CBD.

Patients who choose to buy CBD over the counter should be aware that it’s illegal to import any CBD product that contains more than 2% THC without a doctor’s prescription. While black-market CBD products often have lower prices, they can be unpredictable in terms of dosage and consistency. Furthermore, they might contain traces of THC, which can pose risks for those who are subject to random drug testing at work or with specific drug use policies in their employment contracts.